Blog Post

February 2019 Newsletter

Accelerate Pilates • March 12, 2019

Dear Pilates Family,

Let me state the facts – It’s bone chilling cold outside. My face hurts. I’m dreading that alarm going off at 4 a.m. I could think of a million excuses not to exercise in the Winter. It’s pretty easy to put it off when you’re in the comfort of your warm home. But, did you know that the benefits of exercise in the cold weather months go well beyond the norm? While I’m stating facts today, let’s talk about all the benefits of talking yourself into that workout this morning.

Improve your mood. As the body works harder to stay warm, the amount of endorphins (mood boosting hormones) produced also increases, leaving you with a stronger sense of happiness and lightness!

Boost your immune system. Exercise will not only help you fight off any symptoms of cold or flu, but it will reduce the likelihood of you even being affected.

Greater cardiovascular effects. Cold weather forces your body to work harder during training. The heart gets a workout as well by working harder to pump blood around the body to keep your body warm. With cardiovascular disease being a major threat in this country, working out your heart is a smart move.

Burn more calories. If your heart is working harder, you’re burning more calories. Your wintertime workout is really a supercharged version of your normal sweat session. As the body works to stay warm, your metabolism kicks into overdrive and your body burns through more calories and fat.

You get to see your workout friends . There is something to be said about the camraderie between workout partners. They can motivate. They can hold you accountable. They can become your new friend.

All the more reason to put on your Uggs, give yourself a hug and show yourself some love by getting in that workout.

Policy and Procedure Update

Myofascial Release and Technique Workshop (Series 1 of 3)

Through detailed consideration and client feedback, Accelerate Pilates will be making the following adjustments to the policies and procedures. All policies are in effect as of February 4, 2019.

Wearable tech and cell phones . All wearable tech and cell phones should be silenced during class.

Schedule in advance. With small, focused class sizes it is important that you please schedule your sessions 2-4 weeks in advance to secure your spot and allow the instructor adequte time to plan out the routines effectively.

Cancellation policy. Due to small class sizes, the cancellation policy will change from 12 hours to 24 hours in advance to allow waitlisted clients an opportunity to make arrangements to attend a class.

Expiration date of packages . Packages will expire after 90 days. Classes not used in that timeframe will expire. In order to benefit from Pilates exercise and excel at the Pilates repertoire, consistency is key. Accelerate Pilates prides itself on improving performance and helping clients reach their strength goals. This can only occur if clients practice Pilates and develop a consistent routine.

Prices. Accelerate Pilates is currently adjusting our pricing to more accurately reflect the current level of Pilates expertise and required training. Package rates have slightly changed along with package bundles.

Upcoming Workshop
Postural Restoration Reformer Workshop
Date: February 27th
Time: 11:30a.m.
Cost: $50 ( minimum 3 participants with Reformer and Mat Pilates Training )

Every wonder why side plank on one side is harder than the other? Or why your knees or hips hurt after walking? Or why you always get injured on one side versus the other?

We are predisposed to favoring one side versus the other due to our anatomy. So, how can we find balance in our body? Muscles imbalances can be improved by changing the alignment at the pelvis and through activation of your diapghram.

This type of specialized therapy is called Postural Restoration Technique. It is widely being used in professional sports, by Physical Therapists to safeguard athletes against injury.

Discover how to prevent injury by learning these techniques and incoporating them into your daily exercise routine. The 60 minute class will focus on the following:

  • 3 Postural Restoration Stretches to improve mobility
  • 3 Postural Restoration Exercises to improve pelvic alignment
  • Postural Restoration strength and mobility flow on the Reformer
Find yourself accelerating in your pilates repoirtoire, increasing weight lifting capacity, running and walking more efficiently and living a more muscularly balanced life.


Terms and conditions
As we start the new year I have some updated policies.Please visit my website to review and acknowledge the terms and conditions and photography release for your 2019 Accelerate Pilates sessions.

Extended Hours
Effective February, Accelerate Pilates will open up M and W hours for Private Pilates sessions and Workshop Wednesday's from the hours of 10:30a.m. – 12:30p.m. Stay Pilates Fit 5 days a week!

Myofascial Workshop 1 of 3
This workshop is fully booked. Thank you for your interest!

Myofascial Workshop 2 of 3
Keep an eye out for the next sign-up. March 13th at 11:30a.m.

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