Blog Post

Newsletter - December 2019

December 7, 2019

What inspires you?

I just returned from a phenomenal Postural Restoration in Pilates course in Minnesota, The State of the Nice!   The trip was timely because I was finding myself needing some inspiration. 

I always look forward to visiting a new place, especially a new state.  Right away, I felt the comfort and warmth in a place that’s known to be bone chilling cold.  I’m talking about the people in Minnesota.  There was a positive spirit and authenticity with every Minnesotan. It was in the simple, little things that can be easily disregarded.  Doors being held open, offering to help for no reason, eye contact during conversations, smiles acknowledging each other just because.  All of those positive interactions actually made me feel like part of their community when I was really an outsider.  Wow, that was refreshing!  That was a good feeling and one that I brought that home with me to Ashburn. 

I usually rely on my continuing education classes to give me that little pick me up. I immediately get excited about sharing my new technique with you.  I have been studying Postural Restoration for 10 years now with 5 classes completed.  I have been waiting to take this specialized pilates rehabilitation class for 2 years and it was worth the wait. I was proud to be the Physical Therapy nerd at the front of room excited every time there was a new revelation involving the diaphragm and the abdominals.  Of course, all of YOU were on my mind during the 16 hour weekend course.  I was already conjuring up new techniques to help you improve your movement and daily function. 

And that’s exactly what I did!  Anyone who has taken classes with me this month already knows I have been shoving new exercises and techniques your way.  We have been talking a lot about the “zone” and the “left abdominal wall” and how our body is asymmetric.  You will notice that postures on the Pilates apparatuses are now more functional.  This means not only do you get a good core workout using the Pilates Method, but also the exercises incorporate the science of the Postural Restoration Institute. 

So, I am so full of inspiration right now and all I want is to give you all of this information so that you can find top of the line, evidence based exercises that are based on science to help you achieve your health and fitness goals.  I hope that inspires you to get healthy in your classes with me!

Are you an overcompensator? 
Our body is asymmetrical, and this includes our respiratory, muscular and circulatory systems.  We are actually more right side dominant and this goes beyond just being right-handed.  For example, we carry more weight on the right side of our body than our left.  We have 3 lobes of lungs on the right side of our body and two on our left.  We have a large, heavy organ called the liver that takes up space on the right side of our body.  We have a diaphragm that has a larger mass on the right side of body.  When we stand, we sometimes stand loading more weight on the right side of the body.   We are neurologically set up to be more right side dominant.  This is not a problem unless in the case when we get stuck there.  

When we get stuck, we can compensate, and you will feel sensations like pain, muscle tightness, weakness or change in posture.  The human being is great at compensating, coping and waiting.  And sometimes these compensations pile up, one on top of the other on top of the other.   Until the breaking point when you walk into my studio or see me in therapy for what you think is one issue, that really is a result of a bunch of issues. Are you an over compensater?

The fine physical therapist at the Postural Restoration Institute have been working hard on rehabbing people including professional athletes since the 80s.  They have found patterns of asymmetry in our bodies. They have also found that because we are so right side dominant that some muscles in our body start to become under utilized or dormant.  Others over utilized.  This may be felt in your body by tight muscles like a tight hip flexer.  Or if may be felt by weakness often in the muscles of the abdominal core or gluteals.  Pelvic floor dysfunctions, sacroiliac dysfunctions, low back pain, ITB tendinitis, snapping hip syndrome, patellofemoral pain, meniscus tears or ankle overuse injuries can be manifested due to this type of patterning in our body. 

There is also this mysterious Zone of Apposition or ZOA.  It is an area consisting of the left internal obliques, left transverse abdominis and left hamstring muscle.  If we can get into this zone of apposition, we can start the process of using the left side of our body better.  My clients get into this space on a regular on the machines.  I can help you get access to this zone, too.  Yes!! You can then become experts at getting into the zone on your own and helping your body restore its motion on the left!  Isn’t that amazing!  And then you can walk better, run faster, weight lift with more efficient use of the muscles, restore pelvic floor dysfunctions, improve alignment at the spine, reduce compressive forces at the spine and finally breathe better!  The list really goes on. It’s an exciting thing achieving this Zone.  And we do it everyday in my class 

Redifining Classes: Restorative and Therapeutic Private and Group Classes
With all this Postural Restoration and therapeutic talk I have been really thinking about redefining the classes that I am offering.  Yes, its Pilates but it is SO MUCH MORE than that.  It is evidence based in that there is science behind the exercises that I choose.  It is individualized in that there is also a lot of exercise preparation based on the clients that are in each of my classes.   It’s a nervous system class in that we spend a lot of time getting into that calming state which gets us deeper into that breathing space.   It is a core strength class in that we activate the muscles that support the core.  It is a functional mobility course in that we use the Pilates machines as a vehicle to walk better, run fast, stand taller and and move more efficiently in life.  It’s a preventative class in that we improve posture, decompress the joints and reduce the daily wear and tear that comes with life.

It is exhilarating to be able to offer all of that to YOU in one class.  Here is a review of the classes I am offering next year all with integrative Pilates and therapeutic techniques. 
Class Updates
Reformer (3 max)
Monday @ 11 - Spine Strength
Tuesday @ 9 - Hip, Knee and Abdominals 
Tuesday @ 11:30 - Accelerated Core
TBD - Circuit Tower, Chair and Barrels

Mat Class (5 max)
Thursday @ 10 - Accelerate
Friday @ 10 - Align

2020 Studio Term Updates

Consistency is key when it comes to healing the body. Therefore, classes should be scheduled on a weekly basis as close to each other to master the exercise and progress in each class. 

Please schedule all the classes in your package at the time of purchase so I can plan my classes ahead of time. This will also ensure that you use all your sessions before they expire. Please give me 24-48 hour notice on class cancellations. This gives me enough time to email the other class participants, book others on the wait list and offer rescheduling if needed.  

Package Expiration
4 Pack (Mat, Reformer and Privates)will expire 8 weeks from date of purchase
8 Pack (Mat, Reformer and Privates)will expire 12 weeksfrom date of purchase

Promoting a state of calm
Please arrive 10 minutes prior to class time. My classes are based on creating an environment to relax, de-stress and calm the nervous system. When you are late you disrupt the flow of others who have already entered this state. Also, when you arrive early and are not rushed, you have already placed your body in a state to perform better on the machines. 

Creating an account
Please take some time to get familiar with the Website and Acuity. The FAQ section is a great way to troubleshoot scheduling problems. Always create am account before you book classes. This will ensure that your classes are registered to the account, and so you can access all your past, present and future appointments in the event you lose your email reminders. This will help greatly with cancellations and rescheduling.

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