By Accelerate Pilates
December 21, 2018
Dear Pilates Family, Happy Holiday’s!!! December weather and the stress that this holiday month brings can leave my body feeling tight and wound up. This time of year, I’m attracted to all things that keep my body fueled, hydrated and energized. To me that means exercise, hydration, nutrition and sleep. Here are some things that I do this time of year that keep me in check so that I can give my 150% into holiday cheer and having fun. The Mayo Clinic States that you should Drink 8-10 oz of water a day, but this varies per individual health needs. 12+ if you’re exercising to replenish the water you sweated off. If you’re feeling extra crampy or tight a boost of electrolytes may help. I use Nuun Electrolytes in my water. They’re all natural, 1 gram of sugar and some even are made with greens for an energizing effect. Pilates Segmental bridges, spinal rotations and roll downs to keep the spine and joints mobile and lubricated. From a joint stiffness standpoint, exercise helps boost synovial fluid, which is a natural lubricant inside the joints. Pilates works your joints in all three planes of motion so for extra juiciness at the joints try these exercies. Increase Vitamin K rich veggies for their anti-aging, disease fighting properties. Specifically, broccoli, spinach, kale and cabbage which have been proven to help decrease the inflammatory markers in the blood. Eating foods rich in Vitamin K give your skin a healthy glow just in time for Holiday parties! Sleep 8-10 hours a night. I equate this feeling to a relaxing day at the spa. From a muscular stand point, getting the adequate 8-10 hours is important to increasing muscle size, strength and efficient recovery. There is a great deal of regeneration, recharging and recovery at the cellular level that occurs for your performance enhancement the next day. Catch your zzz’s to enhance your Pilates Planking the next day!