
December 7, 2019
What inspires you? I just returned from a phenomenal Postural Restoration in Pilates course in Minnesota, The State of the Nice! The trip was timely because I was finding myself needing some inspiration. I always look forward to visiting a new place, especially a new state. Right away, I felt the comfort and warmth in a place that’s known to be bone chilling cold. I’m talking about the people in Minnesota. There was a positive spirit and authenticity with every Minnesotan. It was in the simple, little things that can be easily disregarded. Doors being held open, offering to help for no reason, eye contact during conversations, smiles acknowledging each other just because. All of those positive interactions actually made me feel like part of their community when I was really an outsider. Wow, that was refreshing! That was a good feeling and one that I brought that home with me to Ashburn. I usually rely on my continuing education classes to give me that little pick me up. I immediately get excited about sharing my new technique with you. I have been studying Postural Restoration for 10 years now with 5 classes completed. I have been waiting to take this specialized pilates rehabilitation class for 2 years and it was worth the wait. I was proud to be the Physical Therapy nerd at the front of room excited every time there was a new revelation involving the diaphragm and the abdominals. Of course, all of YOU were on my mind during the 16 hour weekend course. I was already conjuring up new techniques to help you improve your movement and daily function. And that’s exactly what I did! Anyone who has taken classes with me this month already knows I have been shoving new exercises and techniques your way. We have been talking a lot about the “zone” and the “left abdominal wall” and how our body is asymmetric. You will notice that postures on the Pilates apparatuses are now more functional. This means not only do you get a good core workout using the Pilates Method, but also the exercises incorporate the science of the Postural Restoration Institute. So, I am so full of inspiration right now and all I want is to give you all of this information so that you can find top of the line, evidence based exercises that are based on science to help you achieve your health and fitness goals. I hope that inspires you to get healthy in your classes with me!
By Accelerate Pilates June 2, 2019
Dear Pilates Family, Summer Solstice is around the corner. More hours of daylight = more hours of outdoor fun. I spend extra time balancing out my body after biking, hiking or running. Outdoor exercise challenges my core and that is when I need my joints to be aligned well to prevent flare ups of pain or unnecessary wear and tear on my joints. I find that if I spend more time building my foundations in Pilates and balancing out my body, I can maintain good alignment and posture in daily life. I practice my mantra: align the spine, activate the core and accelerate strength . I feel lighter on my toes, more supported through my abdominal core and move with a more fluid gait. Better alignment = Good Posture = Optimal Movement Patterns It is a fact that if your body is in good alignment the muscles perform better, thereby allowing you to move more efficiently. There is no better way to improve your alignment than with Pilates. Here are some benefits to working on your alignment as you get more active over the summer months.
By Accelerate Pilates April 2, 2019
Dear Pilates Family, The first day of Spring is just around the corner. I can hear the birds chirping. I can feel warmer weather as the days progress. This makes me want to get outdoors and immerse myself in all the elements of nature. The Spring climate is perfect for taking a stroll or going for a run to get my body moving and achieve that cardiovascular effect. Practicing Pilates complements a walking or running routine by helping to keep the muscles and joints in a balanced state. When the body is moving with optimal posture and alignment it is less prone to injury. Add in a strong core and your legs are able to work more efficiently with a strong stable base supporting them. Issues like early onset arthritis at the knees, plantar fasciitis, patellar tendinitis, hip flexor strain or low back pain can all be prevented with a individualized pilates program. Keep your body in check by practicing Pilates 2-3 days a week so that you can push yourself to make cardiovascular gains in your walking, running or weight training program. Pilates is unique in that it works your body in all three planes of motion which is essential to maintaining the biomechanics of walking. Below are a few exercises that can help improve your spinal mobility, gluteal and abdominal strength and hip flexor flexibility for a more balanced, healthy gait.
By Accelerate Pilates March 12, 2019
Dear Pilates Family, Let me state the facts – It’s bone chilling cold outside. My face hurts. I’m dreading that alarm going off at 4 a.m. I could think of a million excuses not to exercise in the Winter. It’s pretty easy to put it off when you’re in the comfort of your warm home. But, did you know that the benefits of exercise in the cold weather months go well beyond the norm? While I’m stating facts today, let’s talk about all the benefits of talking yourself into that workout this morning. Improve your mood. As the body works harder to stay warm, the amount of endorphins (mood boosting hormones) produced also increases, leaving you with a stronger sense of happiness and lightness! Boost your immune system. Exercise will not only help you fight off any symptoms of cold or flu, but it will reduce the likelihood of you even being affected. Greater cardiovascular effects. Cold weather forces your body to work harder during training. The heart gets a workout as well by working harder to pump blood around the body to keep your body warm. With cardiovascular disease being a major threat in this country, working out your heart is a smart move. Burn more calories. If your heart is working harder, you’re burning more calories. Your wintertime workout is really a supercharged version of your normal sweat session. As the body works to stay warm, your metabolism kicks into overdrive and your body burns through more calories and fat. You get to see your workout friends . There is something to be said about the camraderie between workout partners. They can motivate. They can hold you accountable. They can become your new friend. All the more reason to put on your Uggs, give yourself a hug and show yourself some love by getting in that workout.
By Accelerate Pilates January 16, 2019
Dear Pilates Family, As 2019 whirls its way in and all that is left of the Holiday's is a bit of sluggishness, I find myself looking for balance and routine again. To get out of this post holiday “funk” I need to get back on top of my my exercise routine. I am a bit out of shape, tight in my low back and hips and unable to activate my core. If you are like me, it is important to slowly wean yourself back into your routine. With your body tightened up you may be more prone to injury if you jump back into your pre holiday routine. When reinitiating your exercise routine after a brief, but well deserved hiatus, be sure to focus on breathing, aligning and opening up your joints. Be smart about your workout goals this month. Focus on what your body needs in order to get the strength gains you want . In Pilates Mat this month I am focusing more on Myofascial technique and breathing which can help to release hard to access areas that may lock up due to reduced activity. Look for the details below on my upcoming Myofascial Release Workshop in February to improve your understanding of how this technique can get you aligned and balanced. Here’s to staying Pilates fit in 2019! Happy New Year!
By Accelerate Pilates December 21, 2018
Dear Pilates Family, Happy Holiday’s!!! December weather and the stress that this holiday month brings can leave my body feeling tight and wound up. This time of year, I’m attracted to all things that keep my body fueled, hydrated and energized. To me that means exercise, hydration, nutrition and sleep. Here are some things that I do this time of year that keep me in check so that I can give my 150% into holiday cheer and having fun. The Mayo Clinic States that you should Drink 8-10 oz of water a day, but this varies per individual health needs. 12+ if you’re exercising to replenish the water you sweated off. If you’re feeling extra crampy or tight a boost of electrolytes may help. I use Nuun Electrolytes in my water. They’re all natural, 1 gram of sugar and some even are made with greens for an energizing effect. Pilates Segmental bridges, spinal rotations and roll downs to keep the spine and joints mobile and lubricated. From a joint stiffness standpoint, exercise helps boost synovial fluid, which is a natural lubricant inside the joints. Pilates works your joints in all three planes of motion so for extra juiciness at the joints try these exercies. Increase Vitamin K rich veggies for their anti-aging, disease fighting properties. Specifically, broccoli, spinach, kale and cabbage which have been proven to help decrease the inflammatory markers in the blood. Eating foods rich in Vitamin K give your skin a healthy glow just in time for Holiday parties! Sleep 8-10 hours a night. I equate this feeling to a relaxing day at the spa. From a muscular stand point, getting the adequate 8-10 hours is important to increasing muscle size, strength and efficient recovery. There is a great deal of regeneration, recharging and recovery at the cellular level that occurs for your performance enhancement the next day. Catch your zzz’s to enhance your Pilates Planking the next day!
By Accelerate Pilates November 13, 2018
Dear Pilates Family, I am so excited to announce the launch of my new business name and website, Accelerate Pilates . The new name defines exactly what I work on in our Pilates sessions, which is to Align the body, Activate the abdominals and Accelerate strength. This is a unique aspect of Accelerate Pilates which focuses on performance at each phase in your Pilates program. We have such an amazing group of individuals in our Pilates family. I have already witnessed so many success stories such as a client back to their daily life while performing Pilates Based Rehabilitation after a Total Hip Replacement (THR). She practices Mat and Reformer Pilates twice a week to aid in her gluteal and core muscle strength and could not be happier with her functional gains. I have seen such incredible strength gains in a Pilates based strength program for women healing from a diastasis after pregnancy. They are able to access their deep abdominals which were dormant and help improve their pelvic health. I have worked with many clients with chronic sacroiliac joint pain and spinal disc herniation's that haven't exercised in years for fear of further injury. They are now feeling confident about their core strength routine and are able to progress safely, efficiently and effectively without worrying about getting hurt. Pilates has also helped some of my neuro clients who have Parkinson's disease, Spinal Cord Injury or Stroke "find" their abdominals to aid in balance and preventing falls. Everyone's Pilates journey is unique. I am overjoyed with everyone's progress thus far and look forward to progressing your fitness goals. Lastly, welcome to all new members of the Accelerate Pilates family! I am excited to teach you new Pilates techniques to help improve your fitness. To all of my current members, I am so thankful and proud to be your Pilates Instructor and guide over these few years! I am truly grateful to have a career where I can make a physical and mental change for the better in each person. I am devoted to your journey and honored to be a part of it.
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